Digi DayCare Solutions
Digi is excited to offer many robust DayCare surveillance solutions. With a Digi DayCare solution you can have a competitive advantage by allowing concerned parents to log on
any time during the day to see their children. Increase your client base by offering this indespensible tool. We will customize your surveillance solution by creating user accounts and passwords for each of your current clients to log on. Another unique aspect of using a Digi DayCare solution is we provide your daycare center with pamplets for each of your current clients that overview the benefits and functionality of your new Digi DayCare solution.
Key Features
-Full color standard to high resolution recording!
-Remote viewing so parents can log on through internet in real time!
-Powerful searching functions make video retrieval quick and easy!
-Quicly backup and export video to CD or DVD!
Key Coverage Areas
-Classrooms (Allow parents to see children's activities throughout the day.)
-Play Areas (Ensure children are playing safe.)
-Parking Lot (Get vehicle descriptions & ensure safe driving while in your parking lot.)
-Entry/Exit Points (Know who is coming in & out of your facility.)
-Sign In/Out Area (Know who is picking up each child.)